Wednesday, October 10, 2018

One Year of Marriage with Focus on the Coast Weddings

I've been lucky enough to have a pretty incredible relationship with one of our local publications, Focus on the Coast Weddings. I first wrote an article about planning our wedding, which was followed by a write-up on our wedding. FOTC Weddings then featured my rehearsal dinner dress (my mom's wedding gown) and now, I've had the opportunity to write one more little piece for them on our first year of marriage.

This publication is an incredible one. It is filled with incredible vendors and collaborators, and I feel honored to get to participate every so often! ZIA has also worked with the magazine on a few styled shoots as well, and it's fun to see the staff's vision come to life. 

Check out the article below on our first year of marriage!

It is so hard to believe that Stephen and I have already celebrated our first anniversary! This first year of marriage has flown by and in some ways, it feels like we just got married yesterday, while in others, it seems like we’ve been doing this forever - and in the best possible way.

By the time Stephen and I said “I do” last August, we were approaching 7 years of dating. We had already been through quite a few highs and lows of life together: college, graduation, the loss of a beloved grandparent, finding and celebrating our first jobs, moving and settling into careers. On top of that, I opened my own business in September, so by month one of marriage, it seemed like we had been through it all.

I wasn’t sure what to expect in our first year of marriage, but I did know how excited I was to start this adventure with Stephen. Despite being together for quite some time, we took a more traditional route and chose not to live together until after we got married, so I’ll never forget how fun that first month was. Of course, there’s always an adjustment when you add a roommate to the list, especially when it’s a guy, but we’ve found our rhythm for what makes our household work.

I got very lucky in the fact that my husband loves to joke around. I’m very much a type-A person that lets the little things cause stress, and he has been the balancing factor in my life, and especially in this last year. Even in those moments I get frustrated with Stephen - because let’s face it, we all get frustrated with our spouses from time to time - he ends up making me laugh and I’ve soon forgotten what I was upset about in the beginning.

The biggest thing I can reflect on from our first year of marriage is that it’s so important to enjoy the blessing that is marriage. It is so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stress that can easily overcome us, but living with your best friend makes life more fun than you could imagine.

photography by Drewe + Kate. Photos shot for publication in Focus on the Coast Weddings
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