As of right now, we don't have any vacations planned (although we are headed to the Outer Banks for a week in September for my girlfriend's wedding), but I'm hoping we're going to escape for a long weekend sometime soon! Despite that, I do live at the beach, so in all honesty, every weekend seems like a vacation! I have been doing a major closet clean out and the last thing I need to do is shop - however, there are so many cute things that I would love to snag for beach weather!
I don't normally do neons, especially with this much fabric, but when I saw this cover-up, I couldn't resist making the purchase! Despite the fact that the entire front is open (and the crazy color), something about it reminds me of a Grecian dress Diane Kruger might have worn in Troy or even a 14th century layering piece a la Queen Guinevere in Camelot. Anyone else? But back to vacation pieces - shop some of my favorites below!
Cover Ups:
Beach Bags: