This year, thanks to Studio Gear's CC Cream, I will be living in that on days I'm not going into work -- and maybe even days that I am! CC Cream -- color correcting -- it is perfect both by itself and underneath makeup. So far, I have used it both ways, and I would definitely recommend this product if you're looking for something similar to a tinted moisturizer that also is great for your skin.
Studio Gear's Hydrating CC Cream transforms and enhances your complexion in an incredibly light, smooth formula. This foundation simultaneously fights aging, retains moisture, and covers and treats blemishes with a non-oily, perfectly radiant finish.
Key Benefits:
Prevents fine lines and wrinkles with collagen-building ingredients
Restores skin elasticity by promoting moisture retention
Brightens and illuminates skin with a non-oily, complete coverage application
To show how this product works, I took photos with no makeup, with just the CC cream, and with the CC cream under a light layer of makeup. These photos are unedited as to show how this appears in natural light.
The product comes out as a white cream, but transforms into color once rubbed onto skin. To apply, I dispensed into palm and used my fingers to rub in like a moisturizer. To finish, I used my flat foundation brush to even out for good measure.
There is not a major difference in photo one and two, but you can see that redness on my nose and cheek area from an afternoon in the sun has disappeared. I also used this product without my normal moisturizer, and I liked the way the final product of my makeup turned out. On a normal day as the CC cream as a base, I would have added a bit of bronzer and mascara to create a more finished look, but in terms of just the "base" of my makeup, it definitely evened out my skin.
Guess what? Southern Style readers get 10% off their purchase of any Studio Gear cosmetics by entering the code bloggercc -- so if you're looking for a great new product just in time for summer, be sure to shop now!
This post was sponsored by Brand Backer and Studio Gear Cosmetics, but all opinions are my own.
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