I wrote a post on lash extensions a few years ago but wanted to share some updated FAQs on my experience, where I go, what to expect, and more! I first tried them while competing for Miss North Carolina back in 2013, as it alleviated the need to apply lash strips each time I went on stage. I definitely fell in love with them but ultimately decided to switch back to mascara.
Since 2013, I've had them off and on and each time, I love them more than the last! At first, you may think whoa, those are some serous lashes, but you quickly get used to the ease and volume of your new lashes. I've had the most comments, inquiries, and questions in regards to this beauty secret -- so here's the skinny on lash extensions.
Who does your lashes?
I have found two people in Wilmington who I absolutely adore, and this is key! Remember, the person doing your lashes is touching the area around your eyes, so you need to make sure that a) they are certified and b) that the application will work for you. I currently see Maari at Beauty Bar Boutique, located in The Forum, which is in the same shopping center as my store.
I cannot stress how important it is to find a great person for lashes. Not only is safety important, but so is professionalism. In full transparency, the person I was seeing a few years ago ended up being very un-professional in a variety of ways, and I ultimately had to make the switch for the sake of my eye-safety, time, etc.
How long does it take to get them applied?
For a full set, it can take anywhere from 2 to three hours, depending on the look you are going for. I've fallen asleep in both a full-set application and a fill-in. It goes by more quickly than you think. A fill in takes a little more than an hour.
How does it work?
With my classic application, Maari individually applies a lash to my each of my lashes. Right now, I'm going for length.
How long do they last?
Two to three weeks on average. I get fill-ins every two-three weeks but I'm very careful in not touching my lashes.
What kind of lashes do you have?
They are Sugarlash Pro and in length, they range from 4 - 13mm.
How much do they cost?
This isn't a cheap endeavor - a full set can run between $150-300 depending on where you are located. Fill-ins are generally less than $100, between $40-$85 in this area.
Don't your lashes fall out?
You may not realize it, but you naturally lose lashes every day. So yes, you will see some shedding, but not a ton more than you normally would (should you go to the right technician). After stopping application the last time, I didn't notice a huge difference in the fullness in my natural lashes - though I of course missed my extensions! I will say that I used Rodan and Fields Lash Boost and it did help my natural lash length growth.
Do you still wear eye makeup?
I personally hardly wear eye makeup now - if I'm going somewhere special, I'll add a little liner to my top lashes, mascara for my lower lashes, and some shadow, but for the most part, I'm sans-eye makeup with lash extensions.
How do you wash your face?
The same as I normally do aside from staying away from my lash line. I keep any oil-based products far, far away (oil will loosen the bond), and gently use a q-tip to get any hard to reach places around my lashes. There are also certain makeup removers that are created just for eyelash extensions.
Where should I get them done?
You'll see ads for lash extensions all over the place - nail salons included - but I would highly recommend seeing a certified technician. Because these are going by your eyes, double-check before your technician gets started and make sure you are 100% confident in the person who will be doing them.
Anything else?
I would definitely recommend taking photos of what you want and getting advice from your technician as to what works with your features. That will eliminate any surprise or confusion when you look in the mirror!