Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Thanksgiving always reminds me to take time to reflect on the blessings in my life. I'd like to say that I take time to thank the Lord of my blessings every day, but I don't. I am working on being more intentional with my time, and with that, spending time reflecting on the positives in my life instead of dwelling on the negatives.

Each Thanksgiving morning, I look forward to waking up early to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade before joining my mom in the kitchen. I'll be doing a bit of the same tomorrow, but this year will be a little bit different. I'll be joining Stephen's family for lunch in his hometown before heading back to Wilmington to celebrate with my family at my parents'. Each year, I'm responsible for the mashed potatoes, so I'm looking forward to whipping those up (You can check out my recipe here). 

 I'm happy to share some of the greatest blessings in my life.

Stephen - I thank the Lord each and every day that I found Stephen. He loves me on my best days, but most importantly, he still manages to love me on my worst. I'm extra thankful for this year as we plan our life together!

My family - This is one of those I try my hardest not to take for granted. I am thankful that my family is so close-knit. Since my house has been under renovation, I've been living with my parents full-time for the first time in years, and I can honestly say I don't really want to move out. So thankful for this family of mine.

Sophie - Oh, that sweet baby pup! I am thankful that I have my little sidekick, and that she is feeling better after all of her sickness this year.

My health - This is something that I don't always actively think about, but I should. Each day, I'm able to wake up and place two feet on the floor, and for that I am thankful. These days, I so often see posts of childhood cancer or of a parent taken away too soon. I pray for those people this holiday season.

My job - I am lucky to drive to work to a job I enjoy every day!

This blog - I love having this creative space of my own. It's hard to believe it's close to 4 years old, and never in a million years did I ever think I would connect with so many amazing people. So thank you. 

My freedom of speech - Despite this being a sensitive election year, I am thankful that I was able to use my voice at the polls. I'm thankful for the women who came before me who made it possible for my voice to be heard.

Our armed forces - Thank you, thank you, thank you to those who serve our country. So many cannot be with their families during the holidays due to their service. Others may not make it home because they felt called to defend each and every U.S. citizen. Thank you to all of those who serve and to the families of those as well.

I could go on and on and on - today and every day I have so much to be thankful. I'd love to hear what you're thankful for in this great season.
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