We are engaged! To say that Sunday night was perfect is an absolute understatement. If you keep up with me on Instagram or Snapchat, you know that quite a few of our friends are or were engaged so it's been a summer full of wonderful weddings and engagement parties! We had another one this past weekend, so I definitely was not suspecting anything at all.
Stephen and I have been together for almost six years and had of course discussed marriage - and I'd shown him a few too many rings I'm sure - but he definitely kept a big secret from me. On Friday night, we talked about planning a date night out for Sunday, which is not unusual, especially on a weekend. We talked about a few different restaurant options before he suggested we take dinner over to the beach house and just have a little picnic. This didn't raise any flags because we've talked about doing this before but never did, so I was thinking we were just going to head over for a couple of drinks and something to eat. I was also happy to take Soph with us since we'd gone for the weekend.
Stephen picked me up, we stopped by our favorite Italian restaurant for our take-out, and we headed to the beach. We had both packed some picnic supplies, but it's safe to say Stephen did better than I did. I had thrown paper plates and plastic cutlery in a bag while he'd brought the nice stuff - which again, I just thought was a sweet gesture. We talked and ate dinner, and after we were through, he hopped out of his chair and just wandered around the dock a little bit and after a few minutes, I got up to play with Sophie. Before I knew it, Stephen had pulled me into a hug, said the sweetest things, and as I realized what was happening, I immediately started crying. Next thing I knew, he was down on one knee asking me to marry him, and of course, I said yes!
Little did I know that my mom and sister were on the top deck taking photos of this special moment. Mom even asked me once they got down to the dock what photos I wanted, but I was in such shock that I couldn't even process what to do next. After a few minutes with them, we called Stephen's parents, my dad and brother, some of our friends, stopped by our friends Hillary and Allen's home to surprise them, and continued the calls and texts! I slept maybe 3 hours Sunday night because I kept waking up thinking I was in a dream.
It was probably the most surreal moment I've ever had. I loved it was just the two of us with our dog, on the dock at my grandmother's beach house where she and I spent so much precious time together. We were incredibly close, so having Stephen choose such a special place means so much to me.
I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my favorite person. Stephen is my best friend, and I am beyond blessed that he loves me for who I am and has never once asked me to be someone that I'm not. I still cannot believe how lucky I am. Cheers to being engaged and let the fun begin!