What a whirlwind weekend it has been! I was originally supposed to go to Charleston for The Blog Societies conference, but I didn't realize we had also been invited to a friend's wedding in Asheville. I probably could've made both happen but it would've been almost a thousand miles of driving over four days, so I knew I needed to choose and opted for the wedding instead. On Saturday morning, however, I woke up to a very sick little puppy. Though my mom ended up going with me to the vet anyway, I knew I couldn't leave with her being so sick. Thankfully, they think it's just something she ate (we've cut off all people food so who knows what it was!), so they hooked her up to receive fluids as she was very dehydrated and they gave her some medicine and so far, so good. Prayers that she'll stay well!
I'm excited to share another look with Town House Shops (check them out on Instagram!). This is a dress that I desperately wish I had packed in my suitcase for the trip - and I'm pretty sure my sweet mama might steal it if I'm not careful - and it's perfect for a hot day. We're quickly gearing up for fall but the warm weather is not going anywhere anytime soon, so I know this dress will get some wears between now and the chilly weather.
If you have not entered the giveaway for a $100 Town House gift card, be sure to enter now - there's only one more day to enter! Be sure to check out my first post with them as well - it features an off-shoulder denim dress.
a Rafflecopter giveaway