I've worked with Karora Cosmetics before, so I jumped on the opportunity to work with them again. Being from the coast, I've always had tan skin. But as of late, I have had very few weekends to spend in the sun, and pretty soon, chilly weather will replace the warm days I spent by the water. I've also been working on taking care of my skin, which means no tanning beds. Karora Cosmetics is a great at-home alternative to keeping my skin tanned all year long.
The spray is similar to a spray-tan concept, but you can do it at home. I sprayed evenly, and then rubbed in for even coverage with my mitt. Though I liked the spray, I really liked the cream. It is soft and smooth like lotion, and it doesn't leave behind a sticky residue like a lot of self tanners do. This is a great product that you can build on too, so if the first batch doesn't leave you as dark as you want, you can keep applying until you've reached the desired darkness.
I have a fun weekend planned with friends, so I'll be using my Karora Cosmetics tanning products to get my skin glowing...and I'll be using them all fall and winter long.