If you're wanting to take a little vacay, but can't decide where to go, a cruise may be a great option. We chose Royal Caribbean, and though I don't have another large cruise to compare it too, my friends who did said it was the best yet. I did do a river cruise through Europe which was absolutely incredible, but a completely different experience.
Reasons to go on a cruise:
- You get to see a variety of places, depending on how long your cruise is.
- There are fun options at every stop. In Cozumel, a group of us went on a catamaran before going snorkeling. Such a fun experience.
- You have a built in reservation every night. The people around us probably hated us, but we had a great time at our two tables.
- If you love food, a cruise is the place for you. Great meals starting early in the morning until late at night.
- You get to drink pretty drinks. All. Day. Long.
- Happy hour is every hour.
- There are multiple pools and hot tubs to choose from.
- Like action? Don't worry, there may just be a surfing pool.
- Who doesn't like karaoke?
- You have a gorgeous view at any time of day.
- Don't worry about getting seasick -- there were very rough seas and high winds the first day, but the cruise is very accommodating, offering Dramamine and other medicines to calm you down.

While I love any kind of vacation, this cruise was definitely a highlight. I've been lucky enough to visit a lot of beautiful places, and while nothing beats a beach side chair at the Atlantis in the Bahamas, a cruise is most a fun option as well, and it was a trip that none of us wanted to leave.
Set sail!