Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snail Mail

Maybe it's the Southern in me, but I don't think it gets much better than a handwritten letter. In the days of quick emails and easy texts, the art of a handwritten letter often gets pushed to the side. I, however, love to receive a handwritten card or letter, so I try to send some of my own every so often.

Yesterday, I purchased an address book. Yes, I know, my Outlook, Gmail, or phone can store all of those things, but there's just something about having those addresses handwritten. Keeping up an address book was also on my 1,001 in 101, so I can cross that off my list too.

I have plenty of thank you notes to do this week thanks to the many sweet gifts I received over the weekend, but I also joined another fun snail mail program, designed by Ashley Fine over at One Fine Day. Going Postal allows bloggers (or anyone!) to connect with other people across the country. After all, pen pals aren't just for 4th graders anymore! I had the pleasure of sending a letter to a gal in Illinois and received one from California. It's always fun to hear from someone, and this fun Going Postal event lets you meet new people as well! (You should hop on over and join the next one! #ofdgoingpostal)

Want a handwritten letter? I'll be happy to send you one!

What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters. You can't reread a phone call. - Liz Carpenter
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