1// Miss Wilmington
The year started off when I won Miss Wilmington on January 5 and was given the opportunity to represent my hometown at Miss North Carolina. I don't share too much about the pageant side of my life here, but it's been quite an adventure, one I wouldn't trade for the world.

2// Final Semester
I started and ended my final semester of college -- and with that came classes I didn't always like, babysitting one cute little boy, memories I wouldn't trade for the world, and a very, very long final paper.
3// Spring Break
In March, I took a spring break trip with my best friends. We took a cruise from Ft. Lauderdale down to the Caribbean, and those 5 days were more than fabulous. We had the time of our lives -- those are easily some of the best memories of college.

4// Graduation
On May 11, I graduated Meredith College alongside the group of friends I met when I was 18 and first began college. Ending this chapter of my life was a difficult one, and even still, I wish I could go back. College not only gave me an education, but a second home, the best friends in the world, and a sweet boyfriend. As my mom told me, I am very lucky to have had such great friends and memories that make me miss that part of my life.

5// Internship
In the middle of May, I began an internship with Liz Carroll Interiors, and that only fostered my love for design. Each day was a fun adventure, and I loved getting to know Liz as both a designer and a friend, as well as exploring something I love doing.

6// Wedding
My best friend got married over the summer, and it was an absolutely beautiful wedding! I got to stand next to her as her Maid of Honor while she said "I do" to her high school sweetheart!

7// Miss North Carolina
Back in 2011, I was first-runner up to Miss North Carolina (a dear friend of mine). It was both a surprise and an honor that I made it that far, but ultimately, I wanted to be Miss NC. I took a year off from pageants, and decided to go back, hence competing at Miss Wilmington. I was given the chance to go back, and unfortunately, didn't fare as well as the first round, not even placing in the Top Ten. This was a hard road for me, one that I haven't really shared, especially on here. In pageants, you are judged immensely, and while I was heart-broken at the outcome of that journey, I would not trade my experiences with the Miss North Carolina Organization for anything. I had a wonderful time this year at Miss NC, and loved each and every moment I was on stage. I've never shared photos of this little facet of my life -- so here are a few.

8// Job
On August 15th, I ventured into grown up land and started my first real job. I work as a media coordinator for an advertising firm, and every day is different. It is definitely a great first job, and I'm always pushed to learn something new.
9// Moving
On Labor Day weekend, I moved away from beautiful Wilmington to the Charlotte area. This has been the most challenging part of 2013, as I've had to break out of my comfort zones and try new things. The plus side? I have a cute little apartment and I'm not too far from SW.

Other Highlights.
I hosted a fundraiser for the ALS Association in honor of my grandmother. SW and I celebrated 3 years together at Biltmore Estate. My sweet family and I took a fab trip to NYC at Christmas. The blog turned a year old.
2013 has been quite the year -- one that I would never replace. There are so many more things that happened this year that I will never forget. While these 10 may not be the most important or memorable, they are certainly the most life-changing.
I hope you have a great New Year's Eve! Can't wait to spend mine with sweet friends. See you in 2014!