Back in August, I created my own 101 in 1,001. Inspired my Mackenzie at Design Darling, it's a list of 101 goals to complete in 1,001 days (although a few might have to stretch past the deadline). I've been able to cross a few things off on my list since then and I'm working on a few more.
Start: July 29th, 2013 End: February 1st, 2016
3. Run a 5k.
4. Create and publish my own planner/agenda.
5. Write a book. (working on that one)
6. Eat pasta in Italy.
9. Buy a Samsung camera.
11. Visit Ireland.
12. Ride a horse.
14. Work out at least 5 days a week for 1 month.
15. Raise $5,000 for the ALS Association.
17. Start and own a boutique.
18. Organize my book collection.
20. Spend New Year's Eve in NYC.
21. Buy a house.
23. Go back to Lucerne, Switzerland, and spend a few days there.
24. Buy a pair of Louboutins
25. Take a ballroom dance class.
26. Marry my best friend.
27. Go to Bora Bora (why not?)
28. Send 50 handwritten notes.
29. Get my Master's.
30. Read at least one book a month for one year.
The Weird Sisters - December 2013
32. Get Sophie a puppy friend.
33. Decorate someone else's home.
37. Work as an interior designer (interning for one was incredible!)
38. Host a dinner party.
39. Drive 100mph.
40. Go to Miss America.
41. Run the Color Run.
42. Go to a bloggers' conference.
43. Take a spin class.
44. Attend a show at New York Fashion Week.
47. Take a road trip coast-to-coast.
48. Buy an iPad.
49. Try 5 new foods.
51. Do 20 consecutive push-ups.
52. Go skiing.
53. Sing karaoke.
54. Reread The Great Gatsby
55. See the Hollywood sign.
56. Organize another fundraising event for the ALS Association.
57. Walk/run 30 miles in 30 days.
58. Throw a surprise party.
60. Cook dinner every night for one week.
62. Make a purchase from an antique store.
63. Have a picnic.
65. Travel to 3 new states.
67. Buy a cookbook and cook at least 5 recipes.
eeZ Fusion and Sushi (September - Huntersville)
Benjamin Steakhouse (December - NYC)
Bad Daddy's (October - Huntersville)
Taco Mac (October - Huntersville)
CowFish (September - Charlotte)
69. Go to a Derby party.
71. Learn how to really fold fitted sheets.
72. Write in my One Line a Day Journal daily. (in progress)
73. Keep a hard copy of my address book.
75. Treat my parents to dinner.
76. Stay at a bed-and-breakfast.
77. Go to a flea-market.
80. Go to a drive-in movie.
82. Donate items I no longer wear.
84. Retake the GRE.
85. Get into grad school.
86. Join the Junior League.
87. Subscribe to a favorite magazine.
90. Visit a museum.
91. Maintain a clean eating diet.
92. Learn to eat with chopsticks.
93. Plan a surprise date for my special someone.
94. Watch all the nominees for Best Picture before the Academy Awards.
95. Make and maintain a recipe box. (in progress)
96. Adopt an Angel Tree child at Christmas.
97. Take a spontaneous weekend trip.
98. Take a tour of the White House.
99. Read a Princess Diana memoir.
100. Put $5 into savings for every goal accomplished.
101. Celebrate these 101 things!
I encourage everyone to make one of these! It's such a great thing to put all of your goals into one list and be able to cross them off as they are complete. If you decide to create your own, let me know -- I'd love to check them out!